Story of Common Mental Health problem for Common people Like Me!

Dr. Aradhana Kumari
3 min readJun 10, 2022

As everyone knows, mental health can affect daily living, relationships, physical health, etc.; no one knows when it occurs. A small story about my mental health distracts me after COVID. I thought to share with everyone so that you can take a strong command of yourself to control and motivate yourself mentally and physically.

Why it is important to control your mental health immediately:

To avoid long-term Conditions such as stress, depression, and anxiety and disrupt a person’s routine. Although the term mental health is in everyday use, many conditions that doctors recognize as psychological disorders, you will be mentally sick after meeting with the doctor, and it’s a natural process because every time our mind gives us a signal that we have some mental disorder problem. In that case, slowly we come into that zone. My dear friends in this situation you have to take a strong command of yourself to pull yourself and fight for the problem. Find out the problem why I am not mentally strong now, why my mind pushes me back. Ask questions yourself as many times you can ask and write them down.

“Sometimes we always have a simple question individual his or her abilities towards the work, family or friends. like I am doing good or bad, Am I doing Productive work or just going, whether my family is happy with me or not, etc. And These kinds of silly questions put us under stress and slowly our minds stop working.”

During RT-PCR Test — Covid-19

Risk factors:

As per my study and observation below are some strong risk factors I have found for the starting of Mental problems.

  • Everyone has some risk of developing a mental health disorder, no matter their age, sex, income, or ethnicity.
  • Social and financial circumstances, biological factors, and lifestyle choices can all shape a person’s mental health.
  • A large proportion of people with a mental health disorder have more than one condition at a time in their life.
  • Having limited financial means or belonging to a marginalized or persecuted ethnic group can increase the risk of mental health disorders.
  • Person’s level of social involvement and socioeconomic conditions.

The story behind mental problem after covid with me in March 2022 :

What I found in myself during COVID and after COVID: I don’t like to talk to people, I always Look around me for peace, and sometimes have mood disorders. But these things I can not share with anyone and I always ask a question myself, why this is happening to me? This covid, my situation was very bad, a lot of pain in my body, muscles, blood coming from my nose, neck pain, chest pain, breathing issues all the time nose blocked unbearable situation. At the same time what to eat, I have to cook food for myself, and no one around me to give sympathy. And at the same time, some people message me or call me just for their purpose or talk about work, money, or business.

This is the reason slowly I realized I am mentally sick. I realized all the above things pull me into depression one day. I started asking questions 100 times I asked myself “What happens to me?” and I stand in front of the mirror and cried a lot but I am asking I want to back myself, I don’t want to think deeper about my sickness and people who are greedy. I want myself back for those who love me, who care for me, and whom I am serving. It takes a month to come out with these things quickly. And I realize our mind in our hands we can not lose our mind to think more and cath the bad things. Your mind quickly gives you stress and slowly you will be entered into a mental disorder. You never know how you come on this path.

Then I realized life gives me chance to live happily whatever I have and serve good things because god give me a new life.

